Friday, April 16, 2010

Ashford - The Wooden Spoon

Adventure number three took us to The Wooden Spoon in Ashford, CT. There are only two places to dine in Ashford, and The Wooden Spoon came highly recommended by Bob’s Uncle Lee. One of the reviews we found also mentioned it was one of UCONN students’ best kept secrets for breakfast (probably now that Kathy John’s is no longer in existence). Well, I can agree that this place would be fabulous after a night of drinking and partying with some college buds. But it was also wonderful for us sober parents and 10 month old.

Back roads took us to this establishment, but the highway took us home. It was a bit lengthy of a drive with a hungry Bumpkin in tow.

Walking in, the restaurant was pretty much what we expected it to be. Not a boat load of seating and an exposed kitchen. These are my favorite kinds of places as long as there isn’t a wait! We were greeted right away after seating ourselves, but I’m pretty sure it was just so they could get a look at Anna, as all three servers stopped by to say hello to her and get a flash of that sparkling smile.

The menu was filled with lunch choices on one side consisting of sandwiches and wraps. The other side displayed the breakfast options of eggs, pancakes and breads, etc.

Bob ordered a Cheeseburger Grinder with mushrooms and Swiss cheese, accompanied by chips and a pickle. The followed a cup of potato soup.  It was not a creamy potato soup, but rather a broth with potato chunks and green beans.  It was quite tasty.  He was pretty content with his choice, but by the look on his face, I think he may enjoy the grinder better from our local frequented establishment.  And thank goodness for the oyster crackers with the soup that kept Anna busy while she was uninterested in the food I brough from home for her.

I ordered a special of the day: Raspberry and Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast. There was a girl next to me who had a scrumptious looking stack of blueberry pancakes, but I figured I’d try something different. I’m assuming by the UCONN logo hoodie sweatshirt, that she was one of the UCONN students that had this best kept secret, along with her 3 friends at the table. Anyway, the French Toast was quite delightful, but was pretty much raspberry jam filled and drizzled over the toast which had some cream cheese folded into it. Anna sure enjoyed my meal as well! As did she enjoy some pickle off of Bob’s plate and a bitty piece of his burger meat. We aren’t raising a vegetarian here!

We were told after by a neighboring diner, that next time we should try the corn bread. Well, darn it! I almost ordered that to share with Anna. Guess we’ll have to go back again! This neighboring diner also decided to share stories about his 3 kids and their mother who married another man who is currently in the slammer. Not to be confused with his current wife dining with him. Also we got to hear the story about how he was riding his Harley without a helmet and was hit by a car and hospitalized in a coma for two weeks. This explained the crazy scar down the middle of his noggin from his scull being cracked open and having titanium parts inserted. We are not certain these are the exact details of his story, as he spoke in barely a whisper.

And would we return to The Wooden Spoon? Sure would! Bob says we’d have to go back for breakfast. I questioned this, as I myself ordered a breakfast item, and he does not enjoy going out for breakfast, but is more of a lunch/dinner eater himself.

I’m going to rate The Wooden Spoon with 3.5 out of 5 shakes of Nutmeg. Although it was tasty, there are many establishments like this. And I will say that Ashford and the surrounding towns are lucky to have it!

217 Pompey Hollow Road
Ashford, CT 06278-1544
(860) 429-3825

Ansonia, The Magical Land of

The Malt Family finally got the drive to drive down to where I like to refer to as The Magical Land of Ansonia. Magical indeed. Magical that it still exists! We had been dreading this one for a while, but we were also excited to try this restaurant we had been stalking when we finally drove down to Ansonia. We left just in time for Anna to get a decent nap in the car and to arrive just as they opened at 11am.

The restaurant front looked fantastic. This must have brought the value of the surroundings up at least 30%.

After entering through the doors, we had to finagle our way past some heavy drapery, which we assumed served the purpose of insulation, but not the easiest entry. I compare it to trying to find your way through the high school curtains.

The bar at Crave I thought to be well laid out and inviting. All clean and shiny just waiting for drunk people to spill on it.

Besides the curious looking gentleman at the bar, who seemed to be enjoying an early lunch and flirting with the server / bartender, we were the only other clientele. Who else dines for lunch at 11am? Besides maybe retired people at Bee Bee Dairy. So down we sit as the server brings over a high chair (which I’m pretty sure doesn’t get much use in this establishment). Bob ordered a Diet Coke with a lime and I ordered a cup of hot water to warm up Anna’s lunch. Mmm… green beans. The great part was that the coffee/tea mugs had a wide bowl, so her food fit great for heating.

One of the first things I noticed after we got situated was the salt/pepper on the table. By far the cutest table décor I have seen.  But then again, I don't get out much.

We had two people waiting on us.  One gentleman brough us water ASAP and continued filling the glasses as we took sips (I guess he was bored because it was so slow), and also a lovely waitress taking our order and checking in throughout the meal.  The gentleman also brough us out each plate of food.  He wasn't very good at keeping them out of reach of Anna, but then I forget myself!  "Anna, that knife is not for you!"

The artwork was pretty interesting as well. Here’s Bob on display with a piece.

The menu was wonderfully diverse. All in the Spanish motif and with great choices. We started off with Empanadas. Our favorite of the chicken, beef and vegetable was the vegetable. What a neat flavor! Highly recommend.

Bob ordered the grilled shrimp wrap and a side of grilled sweet plantains. He was definitely pleased with his choice.

I ordered the Tilapia with a red pepper vinaigrette on a bed of sautéed spinach.  It was rather filling and enjoyable. Although, the Empanadas may have filled me up a bit too!

Since we had an hour+ ride back, I decided to use the restroom. There is one restroom for both genders. It was a fancy looking bathroom and kept clean; although we were the first guests of the day.  The sink alone was impressive.  Also note the scent sticks which is always a nice way to keep a bathroom smelling...umm...unused?

Please keep in mind that the menu does change, as I found out online when I was trying to get specifics for this blog.

And the big question: Would we go back again? Absolutely! If we were driving through Ansonia or if Crave relocates. We give this restaurant 4 out of 5 shakes of nutmeg.

102 Main Street
Ansonia, CT